Information about managing grants and grant reporting.
Bulletins provide lists of projects submitted to the State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Review.
The Bulletins provide a current listing of proposed federal grant projects available for review and comment by interested State agencies and regional Councils of Government.
The Bulletins are updated weekly and are removed once the comment period has ended.
State agencies or Regional Councils of Government interested in reviewing a particular project should:
• Contact the project’s contact person listed in the Bulletin for additional information for projects they wish to review.
• Complete the Review Comment Form (if any comments).
• Submit the Comments Form to
Comments (if any) will be condensed and sent to the federal granting agency contact person for review and consideration.
For the week ending 3/14/2025
South Carolina Project Notification and Review System
The Executive Budget Office is responsible for conducting the State Clearinghouse responsibilities for the South Carolina Project Notification and Review System (SCPNRS), in accordance with the guidelines established in presidential Executive Order 12372. The Order mandates federal policy governing review and coordination with state and local government officials regarding any federal government actions affecting their jurisdictions, including the awarding of federal grants. The Order mandates that states, in consultation with their local governments, decide whether to participate in an intergovernmental review process, design their own review system and identify which federal programs will be reviewed.
Presidential Executive Order 12372 and Section 2-65-90, South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976.
General Requirements and Responsibilities
The purpose of the SCPNRS in implementing Executive Order 12372 is to ensure that all viewpoints, both state and local, are taken into consideration in planning federal projects. Through the system, the appropriate state and local officials are given the opportunity to review, comment, and be involved in efforts to obtain and use federal assistance and to assess the relationship of project proposals to other plans and programs. For South Carolina, the SCPNRS system was developed to coordinate with local officials through the 10 Regional Councils of Government (COGs).
The State Clearinghouse (SCH) is responsible for coordinating with all 10 regional COGs as well as coordinating statewide projects that impact more than one regional area. The SCH consults with state agencies for the review and assessment of projects to ensure that all state policies and regulations are being adhered to concerning any project that may be developed in South Carolina.
Projects Subject to Intergovernmental Review
Below is a listing of federal grants required by the State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Review. Grants not on this list are not required to be sent to the Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Review.
Procedures and Forms
SF 424 Form (Application for Federal Assistance)
Procedures for Grant Submittals
To submit a project for Intergovernmental Review, questions or concerns, email or call 803-734-3838.
S.C. Code of Laws Section 2-65-30 and 2-65-30 require State agencies and institutions to notify the Executive Budget Office (EBO) of the any “new” unanticipated federal grant/contract awards to be received during the fiscal year prior to expending those funds.
New grant/contract awards can be defined as any unanticipated federal awards received during the fiscal year that were not included in the appropriations act and are established under a new SCEIS grant number. This would include any sub-awards received from other state agencies.
Notification of New Federal Grant/Contract Awards
1. Complete Form GR-100 Form. The Form has drop-down menus to assist in completion.
2. Scan Form GR-100 along with the award notification letter to a single pdf file.
3. Save the pdf using the SCEIS number as the file name.
4. Email the pdf file to Grants&, and include “New GR-100” in the email subject line.
5. Non-SCEIS agencies should submit a GR-100 for new grants that meet the reporting requirements along with the new grant award notification saved into a single PDF. The SCEIS Grant Number can be left blank on the GR-100 form, and the PDF submission file should be named after the External Reference number.
6. EBO will review the documents for completeness and send an acknowledge via return email.
The following Federal awards remain exempt from this process:
• Grants less than $200,000
• Research and Student Aid
Contact Information:
Please send inquiries to Grants& or call (803) 734-3838.