Please Note: This program is only available to approved eligible organizations. This property is not for sale to the public.

Program Summary

The Federal Surplus Property Program acquires surplus federal property such as vehicles and heavy equipment, medical and rescue supplies, boats, furniture, and aircraft for eligible state agencies, universities, local governments, public schools and other non-profit organizations. Program eligibility determines if your organization is eligible to acquire federal surplus property.

This program is completely supported by the revenues generated from a nominal service charge that is administered to cover the costs of the program. This means that program costs are passed on to participants in the form of service fees that vary according to the condition of the item and demand. Program participants are referred to as "donees" since the property is considered a "donation" from the federal government.

Federal surplus property is acquired either by screeners from our staff visiting federal installations and identifying needed property or by staff making a request to receive property from overseas military installations. The property is brought to the Federal Surplus Warehouse in West Columbia for transfer to eligible entities. Eligible organizations can contact the Federal Surplus Property Program to make a request for the state to acquire a specific item. Property not purchased by eligible entities is offered to the public in accordance with federal guidelines at auctions conducted online.

Federal Regulations

Property received through this program is subject to federal handling and use restrictions and includes a requirement that the recipient organization keep and use the property for a set amount of time before being eligible to dispose of it.

The Federal Surplus Property Program is covered by federal nondiscrimination laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, disability and sex. 

The following organizations may be eligible to acquire state and federal surplus property. Complete an Eligibility Application to determine if your organization qualifies.

Public Agency Types

  • State agencies and departments.
  • City and county governments.
  • Special purpose districts.
  • Police, fire and sheriff's departments.
  • Volunteer fire departments and rescue squads.
  • Indian tribe located on a state reservation.
  • Political subdivision of the state.


  • School systems.
  • Colleges and universities.
  • Public libraries.
  • Museums.
  • Service educational activities (SEA) such as Boy and Girls Scouts and the Red Cross.
  • Child care centers (non-profit).
  • Educational radio and TV stations.
  • Training centers.
  • Schools for the mentally/physically challenged.
  • Non-profit and public programs for the elderly.


  • Medical institutions.
  • Clinics and nursing homes.
  • Hospitals.
  • Health centers.
  • Providers of assistance to the homeless.
  • Providers of assistance to the impoverished.
  • Nursing homes.


  • US Small Business Admin 8a contractors
  • Veteran Owned Small Businesses

Complete an Eligibility Application to determine if your organization qualifies for the State and/or Federal Surplus Property Programs.

If your organization currently participates in the state and/or Federal Surplus Property Programs and you would like to update your eligibility application.

The Federal Surplus Property Program is covered by federal nondiscrimination laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, disability and sex.