The State Surplus Property Program promotes and facilitates the sustainable reuse of personal surplus property to state and local governments, qualifying non-profit entities and the public. The Surplus Property Office operates a retail store at its warehouse location in West Columbia and conducts online auctions to make personal property that has no further governmental need available to the public. The "cycle" is the week of the fiscal year in which the item will normally become available for public sale. Public agencies and eligible organizations have the option to purchase items prior to becoming available to the public.

The State Surplus Property Warehouse is open to the public from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday for warehouse shopping only.

Weekly Specials Overview

General Information

Types of Property Sold

Boats, vehicles, furniture, bicycles, athletic apparel and equipment, copiers and printers, kitchen equipment, computer equipment (desktops, laptops, monitors), televisions and DVD players, tractors, golf carts, iPhones™ and Android™ phones and camera equipment.

Schedule of Sale

Surplus property is offered first to state and local governmental entities at established sale prices. It is then offered to eligible non-profit organizations. If it is not sold to a government or non-profit agency, it is offered for sale to the public.

Public Auctions

Public auctions are conducted at the West Columbia location. Notice of auction is given on this website and by advertisement in The State newspaper on the Sunday preceding the auction.

All public auctions are held every other Wednesday, unless otherwise specified, at the South Carolina Surplus Property Office, located at 1441 Boston Ave West Columbia.

Vehicle inspections for Public Auctions are held on the Tuesday prior to the auction from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and from 8-9 a.m. the day of the auction. There are no registration fees for public auctions and no buyer’s or seller’s premiums.

Registration is required to bid on property. Auction registration takes place in the Operations Building.

Browse State Inventory

Search the State Inventory Database of available state surplus property. As this database is updated each morning, a listed item may have been sold during the day. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed on these pages, no guarantees are made regarding availability of any listed item.