Admin acknowledges the importance of transparency and accountability in building trust with our stakeholders. This page is dedicated to building this trust by providing copies of various reports the agency is required to submit annually. Admin's goal is to provide the public with easily obtainable information to increase its trust in government.

Accountability Report - FY 2023-24
Proviso 117.29 of the FY 2016-17 Appropriations Act directs each state agency to prepare an annual accountability report by following the guidelines published by the Executive Budget Office. The annual accountability report has both retrospective and prospective components in which agencies discuss accomplishments and expenditures from the previous fiscal year and goals and objectives for the upcoming fiscal year.

Fines and Fees Report FY 2024
Proviso 117.69 of the FY 2024-25 Appropriations Act directs each state agency to report all aggregate fines and fees the agency charged and collected in the previous year. Per proviso, the report includes:

  • Statute, regulation or proviso granting the authority to charge, collect or receive the fee or fine. 
  • Amount of the fee or fine. 
  • Amount received by source. 
  • Agency's purposed use of the fee or fine. 
  • Amount, if any, transferred to the general fund of the state.
  • Amount, if any, transferred to any other entity.

First Responder Interoperability Report (Palmetto 800) - FY 2023-24
Proviso 93.7 of the FY 2024-2025 Appropriations Act directs Admin to administer and coordinate First Responder Interoperability operations for the statewide Palmetto 800 radio system to better coordinate public safety disaster responses and communications. Per proviso, Admin must provide a report on the status of the integration of the statewide Palmetto 800 radio system annually. The report includes a listing of entities not integrated into the system as of the close of the previous fiscal year and the reason they are not integrated.